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Amanda & Moon Mirror Massage & Energy Magick acknowledge the sacred land where I live, work, teach, learn, & build community.


I acknowledge that my business is founded on the unceded, traditional ancestral homelands of Nahaganset & Wampanoag nations.


I am making this acknowledgment to honor the original owners, healers, & medicine holders of this land that I am now offering healing work on - land that we now refer to as Providence RI.


I also want to recognize the repeated violations of sovereignty & territory perpetrated by colonizers - my own ancestors - that have impacted the Indigenous people for the last 400 years & into the present.


I extend my respect to citizens of these Nations who live here today, their ancestors who have lived here for over 500 generations, & to all Indigenous people. I also affirm that this acknowledgment is insufficient. It does not undo the harm that has been done & continues to be perpetrated now against Indigenous people & their land, water, & air. 


Today, Providence is also home to thousands of Indigenous people from across Turtle Island, & I am grateful to have the opportunity to live & work here, & to call this my birth land.


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I create a cauldron of care that honors the spaces between worlds, helps you awaken your innate magick & empowerment, & brings multidimensional self care to your life.


My containers for healing and growth will always be an inclusive space for all genders, sexualities, ethnicities, abilities, and anyone who is seeking a truly supportive & nourishing connection.



Embodied ReEnchantment and Moon Mirror Massage & Energy Magick is an independent, queer-led, witch-owned small business. Your participation is what fuels the creation of a better world! Thank you for supporting my work!

What is a witch? HERE is a great place to start your exploration.








Amanda Stone, LMT ~ MA 17251 / RI MT02719



Located in Providence, RI - Serving RI & MA





Find my Medical Disclaimer here


Find Client Intake & Liability Waiver Forms here




© 2023 ~


All information on this web site & its contents are the property of Amanda Stone LMT, Embodied ReEnchantment, and Moon Mirror Massage & Energy Magick unless otherwise noted. Always site the original creator if you are going to reproduce, distribute, or display copies of any content material.

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